Allied World can proactively respond with the full range of products, flexibility and service our clients expect. Whether large, publicly-traded corporations, financial institutions, entrepreneurial, privately-held businesses or not-for-profits, or healthcare organizations, our experienced underwriters can assist and meet the management liability needs of a diverse, dynamic audience. Superior products and services are offered through a network of branch offices in Bermuda, Canada and the United States, enabling us to solve needs across multiple geographies while leveraging our combined and expanded capacity.
USA – Management & Financial Lines
Healthcare Management Liability
As market leader, we understand the challenges our healthcare clients face and have built an array of products that address the unique and emerging exposures of this industry. We partner with our policyholders to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to meet the management liability needs of hospitals, managed care organizations, miscellaneous medical facilities and accountable care organizations.
Within Healthcare Management Liability we also write:
HCML ForceField Package and Standalone Coverages (D&O plus EPL, Fiduciary, Crime)
Accountable Care Organizations
Managed Care E&O
Miscellaneous Medical SuiteSM
Excess D&O for Healthcare Organizations
Private / Not-For-Profit Management Liability
In this day and age, running a private company or not-for-profit organization can be a balancing act. Executive management is forever juggling the needs of multiple constituents: customers, donors, regulators, investors, partners, shareholders, vendors/suppliers, employees and others. Let any of those components drop and the results could be financially devastating.
Within Private / Not-For-Profit Management Liability we also write:
Private / Not-For-Profit Package Offerings
Directors and Officers
Employment Practices
Executive ForceField Side A DIC
Excess D&O
Crime and Employed Lawyer coverages are only available as part of the ForceField Package policy when D&O Coverage is purchased.
Public Company Management Liability
Allied World is committed to meeting the unique needs of publicly traded companies and their management teams. We understand the pressures that directors and officers face and can craft comprehensive coverage that protects corporate and personal assets.
Within Public Company Management Liability we also write:
ForceField – Primary D&O for Public Companies
Executive ForceField Side A DIC
Financial Institutions
Independent ForceField
Excess D&O