USA – Executive ForceField®

Executive ForceField® Side A DIC

Side ‘A’ Directors & Officers Excess and Lead Difference-in-Conditions Insurance

Our ‘last line of defense’ coverage has been updated to address the growing trend of companies investigating and reporting conduct irregularities to regulators. In response to a heightened regulatory environment, definitions have been broadened, exclusions have been limited, and new coverages have been incorporated to address emerging risks like internal inquiries and regulatory/criminal investigations.

Not only does Executive ForceField® help to fill gaps and inconsistencies in coverage where the primary carrier fails to provide indemnification, it also affords the client (by way of a single claim limit) greater recovery under the original and reinstated limits when there are numerous unrelated claims.

Product features

Our information sheet in the Resources section of this page provides further details on the new and improved enhancements to Executive ForceField®. Highlights include:

  • Policy Limits up to $25M
  • Single Claim Limit allows for the ability to apply multiple ‘related claims’ across the two reinstated limits
  • Coverage for Mitigation, Policyholder Access, Reputation & Asset Protection Costs
  • A ten-year extended reporting period for financial impairment
  • An additional unlimited extended reporting period for former directors and officers
  • Expanded Difference in Conditions features
  • Automatic coverage for any new subsidiaries added during the policy period
  • Enhanced definition of Loss that applies to taxes and insurability
  • Defense and pre-claim inquiry costs advanced within 30-days
  • Cooperation provisions addressing potential conflicts, consent, severability and criminal sanctions
  • Coverage to apply the broader of prior Allied World DIC policy.

Multinational Coverage: To learn more about our multinational offering, Allied WorldWide, click here.

Within Public Company Management Liability we also write:

Financial Institutions
Excess D&O
ForceField – Primary D&O for Public Companies
Independent ForceField