Policy types
- Property Only
- Property and Business Interruption
- Property, Business Interruption and or EL & PL
- Combined Liability
- Full Combined Package
Client footprint
- UK domiciled businesses
- 100%/Lead/Follow
- Min. Premium £10,000 plus IPT
- Turnover Up to £100,000,000
- Max TIV Location £40,000,000
- Max TIV Policy £250,000,000
- PL Limit of Liability £10,000,000
- EL Limit of Liability £10,000,000
- Offices, Professional Services, Retail
- Hotels, Hospitality & Leisure (timber floors require enhanced protections)
- Manufacturing – Metalworking, Engineering, Electronics, Plastics, Light Woodworking, Textiles, Printing, Paper products
- Food and Drink
- Warehouse and Distribution
Classes that fall outside our risk appetite include Self Storage, Waste and Recycling, Amusements/Fairgrounds and Piers, Nightclubs, Sawmills / Pulping and Paper Mills, Oil / Petrochemicals / Pharma / Chemical Risks, Mining/Quarries, Offshore Working
Underwriting strategy
- Building long-term and reciprocal relationships with our brokers and clients
- Delivering commercial underwriting expertise, excellent service and responsiveness