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Australia – Environmental Liability

Businesses throughout the region are facing increasing regulatory and public scrutiny over environmental issues. As this happens, more and more of our clients are being required to purchase standalone environmental coverage as per the obligations of a contract or a specific regulation.

Allied World offers a broad range of environmental liability products designed for insureds with fixed facility exposures or off-premises contracting exposures. Our team of experienced underwriters is able to recognise coverage gaps in a client’s existing general liability programmes and develop solutions to minimize such gaps to the greatest extent possible. Our strong capital base enables us to offer up to US$10M in limits for environmental liability risks and coverage is offered on a claims made or occurrence basis with options for both primary and excess attachment points.

Underwriting strategy

  • Broad underwriting appetite for risks located in the Asia Pacific region
  • Fixed facility environmental liability and contractors’ operations environmental liability policies are available
  • Follow-form excess liability policies are available
  • Built-in emergency response costs coverage is offered on primary forms
  • Loss control consultants are in place to assist clients who face an environmental loss
  • 100% layers or co-insurance participation
  • Willing to offer cover as a facultative reinsurer


  • Up to US$20M in limits is offered for environmental liability risks