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Medical Professional – Physician and Surgeon Groups

Physician and Surgeon Groups

Physicians and Surgeons Professional Liability coverage provides the right combination of coverages for groups. Our policy provides meaningful and responsive coverage that anticipates the exposures of today’s market, so that our insured doctors can focus on their patients, instead of worrying about their insurance policy.

Product features

  • Professional Liability Coverage designed for physicians groups, includes entity coverage and is offered on an individual or shared limit basis
  • Peer Review, Accreditation/Standards Review and Quality Assurance Coverage – covers an insured’s activities as a member of an authorized peer review, accreditation or standards review committee/board, or in their performance of quality assurance activities
  • Broad Definition of Insured – includes coverage for mid-level practitioners, locum tenens and all employees and volunteers while acting within the scope of their duties
  • Consent to Settle duty to defend policy; requires First Named Insured consent to settle
  • Vicarious Liability Coverage for claims arising out of medical professional incidents
  • ERP Coverage – extended reporting period or “tail” coverage available at no additional charge in the event of death, disability and retirement (certain eligibility requirements apply)
  • Limits of Liability – $1M/$3M with excess limits available